

Building a City Alliance for a Better Brexit

Better Brexit, Better City

Building a City Alliance for a Better Brexit

Many other UK cities share London’s interests and most also voted to remain in the EU. They have diverse and cosmopolitan populations, major universities and look to knowledge-based service sectors for their growth.

Between them, London and the ten core cities account for nearly half of the UK economy. The success of these cities will be essential to the success of Brexit, and their interests should not be neglected.

The election of new metro mayors across the country gives the Mayor of London the opportunity to work with other UK cities and their elected leaders, to argue for a Brexit deal that reflects their interests, and allows them to take control of their own affairs through devolution of taxes and services.


• The Mayor of London should join with the mayors and leaders of the UK’s major cities to form a Convention of City Leaders on Brexit, and the next Government should actively engage with these cities, to ensure that their needs are properly addressed in negotiations and further devolution