
Our Vision

This is our vision of all London could be.

London is a thriving, sustainable, global city, run in the long-term interests of its people and the UK as a whole.

London Is:

  • Carbon neutral by 2030, with circular economy and pro-nature approaches as the new normal.
  • The best connected city in the world, with a world class transport system and advanced digital infrastructure.
  • The safest city anywhere, especially for women and girls.
  • The most welcoming city in the world — for visitors, the talented and those most in need.
  • Well governed, resilient to future threats and home to the most innovative and dynamic organisations in the world.

Londoners Have:

  • Enough money to afford everyday essentials and live a full life.
  • Housing that feels like home — safe, in good repair and large enough for their needs.
  • Healthy lives supported by healthy communities and neighbourhoods.
  • Access to public spaces, parks and high streets everyone can be proud of.
  • Access to learning throughout life, so they can use their talents to the full.