Press Release

Urgent action needed to stop London choking on its own emissions

Responding to new research from the Mayor of London, which highlights that every area of London exceeds recommended guidelines for PM2.5, Ben Rogers, Director of Centre for London said:

“London is choking on its own emissions. This new research highlights that current policy needs to do more to tackle non-tailpipe emissions, which significantly contribute to the unacceptable levels of particulate matter pollution”

“There is mounting evidence that suggests we’re underestimating the harm done by this type of emissions. ​T​heir health impacts are felt even at extremely small concentrations (​and well​ below EU legal limits).

“One approach to minimise these emissions must be to reduce vehicle use in London, but government should also be encouraging research and development in them through innovations in tyre, brake and surface materials.”

Centre for London convened an independent Commission on the Future of London’s Roads and Streets, with the aim to develop new thinking on what London could do to manage the conflicting pressures on the capital’s surface transport system and public realm.

Read the Commissions’s final report