Press Release

Our response to the Mayor of London’s affordable housing target update

Responding to the news that nearly 120,000 affordable homes have been built in London since 2015, Claire Harding, Research Director of Centre for London, said:

“These figures are good news for the many people in London who need social and affordable housing.

People on lower and middle incomes can only continue to live in the capital if we build more homes – at prices that people can afford. Not having enough homes is why we see skyrocketing rents today, as well as families leaving London entirely.

While today’s figures are cause for optimism that overcoming the housing crisis is possible with the right intervention, they also need to be seen within a wider context: renting or buying a home is unaffordable for too many, and we need much more social and affordable housing to correct this.

Building the political will for this is difficult but necessary. Our housing programme research is clear: London’s policymakers must reconsider what is practically possible, and be willing to make brave decisions to get Londoners the homes they need.”