Partner with us on a research project to explore an issue in-depth. Discover new insights and ideas. Benefit from our expertise and influence. Secure your seat at the policy development table. Amplify your voice.
Some of the benefits for supporters of our research can include:
- Public recognition of your sponsorship, including on our website and in press releases
- Membership of the research advisory group – a great chance to network and help find solutions
- Opportunity to contribute foreword and case study to the final research report
And where the project includes a launch event:
- Opportunity to speak at report launch event
- Input into report launch event guestlist
- Access to attendee details (names, titles, organisations)
To explore your specific options, e-mail our team to find out more.
You can also browse What We’re Working On – the ideas to make London even better that we’re currently developing and seeking support for.