


Third Age City: Housing for Older Londoners


London’s older population is growing – bringing real opportunity, but also significant challenges in providing housing which meets older people’s needs an aspirations, and supports them as active citizens. This report has made the case for a stronger and more coordinated approach to providing housing that suits the needs of London’s diverse older population.

It’s particularly important that we increase the number of specialist homes we build in London for older people. This should be based on good public engagement – with older people and others in the local community – and underpinned by targets at a London and local level.

London also needs to improve the information we provide to Londoners about the housing options that are available to them as they age. The GLA, local authorities and third sector organisations all have a key role to play in providing this information – government funding in this area is likely to be a good investment, saving care costs later on.

We think that these changes need to be underpinned by a cultural shift: towards valuing the contribution that older people make to our communities, economies and families and away from seeing age as a problem to be overcome. Our full list of recommendations to national, London and local government can be found in the Summary.