This paper sets out the initial conclusions of our Industrial Land Commission, which is exploring how London can make the best use of limited available land to meet the city's competing needs.
This paper reviews evidence gathered for our Industrial Land Commission about the use and value of industrial land, and how these spaces are likely to change in the future. We provided the opportunity for readers to give feedback on these initial conclusions, which we used to guide the development of our recommendations in the final report.
The Commission
Centre for London has convened a commission on the future of industrial land, chaired by Liz Peace CBE, with Centre for London providing the secretariat. The Commission explored how London can make the best use of limited available land to meet the city’s competing needs. The key areas of investigation included:
- What role does industrial land play in London’s economy, and how is this changing?
- How do we balance the need for industrial land with other uses?
- How can London optimise its use of industrial land, and what can local, city and national government do to support this?