John Robertson Architects invites the architectural community and members of the public to an evening of fast paced and insightful Pecha Kucha style talks from a range of experts on how architects’ approach to work creates or shapes communities.
Our Research Manager, Kat Hanna, will be there to speak about our latest report Spaces to Think which looks at the changing nature of London’s Knowledge Economy; innovation districts and what they offer London; and the democratisation of innovation.
Within the London Festival of Architecture framework, Victorian Industrialist versus Millennial Entrepreneur will create an opportunity to reflect on how people’s life aspirations and attitudes to work have evolved and how this has a subsequent effect communities.
A panel of six expert speakers will approach and explore the topic from different points of view, introduced and guided by an inspiring chair person. Further speakers will be announced shortly online, via twitter and Tickets are free but booking is essential. Each ticket includes a glass of wine.
Find live tweets during the event @centreforlondon and @JRarchitects.