The London Intelligence The London Intelligence – Spring 2023 3 March 2023Josh Cottell, Claire Harding, Zarin Mahmud, Millie Mitchell, Oriane Nermond, Jon Tabbush Employment | Environment | Living standards | Safety
Report Levelling Up in London – Phase 2 Report: London’s Contribution in the UK 30 November 2022Claire Harding, Jon Tabbush, Millie Mitchell Cities and nations | Devolution | Education | Employment | Living standards | Local government | Social mobility | Transport
Report Levelling Up in London – Phase 1 Report: Challenges for London and Londoners 29 June 2022Claire Harding, Josh Cottell, Daniel Urquijo Cities and nations | Local government
Report East x South East: Local research in Poplar, Stratford and Thamesmead 1 June 2022Claire Harding, Patrick Diamond, Farah Hussain Cities and nations | Health | Housing | Living standards | Local government | Social mobility | Transport
Report Levelling up London: borough by borough data breakdown 27 May 2022Josh Cottell, Klara Blazek, Daniel Urquijo Cities and nations | Devolution | Education | Employment | Health | Housing | Living standards | Local government | Social mobility
The London Intelligence The London Intelligence – Snapshot of Londoners – Spring 2022 8 April 2022Nicolas Bosetti, Josh Cottell, Emma Maia Smith, Jon Tabbush, Daniel Urquijo Local government | London elections
Report Remixing Central London 10 March 2022Josh Cottell, Claire Harding Cities and nations | Housing | Planning | Public realm
Report Greater London: A new vision for a better city 30 November 2021Rob Whitehead, Claire Harding, Nick Bowes Brexit | Cities and nations | Coronavirus | Devolution | Education | Employment | Environment | Health | Housing | Living standards | Local government | Planning | Public realm | Social mobility | Transport
Book London’s Mayor at 20: Governing a Global City in the 21st Century 24 November 2020Jack Brown, Richard Brown, Professor Tony Travers Cities and nations | Devolution
Report London at a crossroads 24 September 2020Rob Whitehead, Richard Brown, Claire Harding, Jack Brown, Sara Gariban, Dr Tim Moonen Cities and nations
Report Core Values: The Future of Central London 26 February 2020Jack Brown, Sara Gariban, Erica Belcher, Mario Washington-Ihieme Devolution | Employment | Local government | Planning | Public realm