This report has outlined the scale of the challenge facing London. Londoners are driving less, but the city needs to take concerted action to tackle pollution, reduce congestion, create a better environment for all, and meet the Mayor’s targets for reductions in private car use by 2040.
In an era of rapidly growing concern over climate change, and a widespread desire for a healthier city with better public spaces, the time is right for a step change in our approach to cars. This report has shown where the opportunities lie, and the role that parking policy can play.
As the mix of potential uses for kerbsides widens, our report has asked why car parking still takes priority at the expense of other uses that Londoners prioritise, from parklets to bus lanes. Further, it has identified some of the anomalies in how car parking is priced, with resident permits cross-subsidised by other parking revenues.
It has also shown how parking policy can help make an equitable and incremental transition to a New Urban Mobility, by allowing for essential low-emission car use, providing better alternatives, and easing the frustrations of congestion and parking that drivers face today.
We have seen examples of good practice that exist now, in London and beyond, and discussed how the potential of technological innovations can be harnessed to facilitate the transition. Building on ideas grounded in practical realities, we have also made a number of recommendations to help get us there.
What we need now is action, and for London to accelerate towards the greener, safer, healthier city that will benefit us all.