

Appendix 2

Reclaim the kerb: The future of parking and kerbside management

Appendix 2


  1. AppyWay data.
  2. AppyWay data.
  3. Centre for London calculations using MHCLG RO2 Revenue Account Outturn and AppyWay controlled kerbside measurements. ‘Total parking expenditure’ = % of ‘Total Expenditure’ from lines 11, 31 & 32 (‘Highways maintenance planning policy and strategy’, ‘Structural maintenance’) MHCLG RO2 Revenue Account Outturn equivalent to the % of controlled parking space in each borough + ‘Total Expenditure’ from lines 61 & 62 (‘On-street’ & ‘Off-street parking’) MHCLG RO2 Revenue Account outturn. 5-year averages from 2013/2014 – 2018/19. Prices represent the mean of the five years of annual outturn and have not been adjusted for inflation.
  4. Centre for London calculations using MHCLG RO2 Revenue Account Outturn and AppyWay controlled kerbside measurements. ‘Parking expenditure per controlled bay’ = % of ‘Total Expenditure’ from lines 11, 31 & 32 (‘Highways maintenance planning policy and strategy’, ‘Structural maintenance’) MHCLG RO2 Revenue Account Outturn equivalent to the % of controlled parking space in each borough + ‘Total expenditure’ from line 61 (‘On-street parking’) MHCLG RO2 Revenue Account Outturn ÷ AppyWay estimation of total no. of paid for and resident bays per borough. Different approaches to individual borough finance reporting practices may account for differences between MHCLG reported figures and internally reported figures in highways services. MHCLG RO2 Revenue Account Outturn is the only all-borough consistent dataset on highways expenditure, however. Irregular items of capital expenditure may also account for significant year-on-year variation. To account for this, 5-year averages were used instead. Borough-level figures should not be taken as a proxy for how much residential permits should cost.
  5. Individual borough websites based on current (2019/20) resident parking permit costs.