

Appendix 1

Reclaim the kerb: The future of parking and kerbside management

Appendix 1


  1. Number of licensed vehicles, all PLG (Private or Light Goods Vehicles), 2017, from TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019).
  2. Vehicles parked on street by borough: 5-year average 2013/14- 2017/18, from TfL (2019), London Travel Demand Survey.
  3. Proportion of households that own a car: 2015/16-2017/18 average, from TfL (2019), London Travel Demand Survey.
  4. Annual vehicle kilometres (millions), 2017, from TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019).
  5. Ibid. Change between 2001-2017.
  6. Walking, cycling and public transport % mode share, by borough resident, based on average daily trips, 2015/16 to 2017/18. TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019).
  7. Ibid. Change between 2012/13-2014/15 and 2015/16-2017/18.
  8. TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019); and Mayor of London (2018), Mayor’s Transport Strategy.