Appendix 1
- Number of licensed vehicles, all PLG (Private or Light Goods Vehicles), 2017, from TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019).
- Vehicles parked on street by borough: 5-year average 2013/14- 2017/18, from TfL (2019), London Travel Demand Survey.
- Proportion of households that own a car: 2015/16-2017/18 average, from TfL (2019), London Travel Demand Survey.
- Annual vehicle kilometres (millions), 2017, from TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019).
- Ibid. Change between 2001-2017.
- Walking, cycling and public transport % mode share, by borough resident, based on average daily trips, 2015/16 to 2017/18. TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019).
- Ibid. Change between 2012/13-2014/15 and 2015/16-2017/18.
- TfL (2019), LIP3 Mayor’s Transport Strategy Outcomes Borough Data Pack (September 2019); and Mayor of London (2018), Mayor’s Transport Strategy.