


Greater London: A new vision for a better city


In creating this new report, the authors have been fortunate to draw on the advice and assistance of a wide range of experts and other London stakeholders.

In particular, the London Futures Advisory Council has provided invaluable advice at every stage. They are:

Tera Allas CBE (Director of Research and Economics, McKinsey & Company); Matthew Baird (Senior Corporate Affairs Officer, City of London Corporation); Patricia Brown (Director, Central); Sarah Castell (Head of Futures, Ipsos MORI); Nadine Collins-Smith (Head of Thames Vision Delivery, Port of London Authority); Stuart Cundy (Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Services, Metropolitan Police); Van DuBose; Jake Ferguson (CEO, Hackney CVS); Alistair Gale (Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs, Port of London Authority);
Anna Garrod (Policy and Influencing Director, Impact on Urban Health);
Cllr Jack Hopkins (London Borough of Lambeth); Manny Hothi, Chief
Executive, Trust for London; Will Judge (Vice President, Global Enterprise
Partnerships, Mastercard); Mark Kleinman (Professor of Public Policy,
King’s College London); Angus Knowles-Cutler (UK Vice Chairman and
London Office Managing Partner, Deloitte); Eman Martin-Vignerte (Head
of Political Affairs and Government Relations, Bosch); Bharat Mehta CBE
(former Chief Executive, Trust for London); Dr Tim Moonen (Director, The
Business of Cities); Geraldine Page (Funding Manager, City Bridge Trust);
Bob Roberts (Director of Communications, City of London Corporation);
Michelle Reeves (Senior Policy and Programmes Manager, Greater London
Authority); Jeremy Skinner (Assistant Director of Strategy, Insight and
Intelligence, Greater London Authority); Dick Sorabji (former Deputy Chief
Executive, London Councils); Wendy Thomson (Vice-Chancellor, University
of London); Shashi Verma (Director of Strategy and Chief Technology
Officer, Transport for London); Wei Yang (President, Royal Town Planning
Institute and Chairman, Wei Yang & Partners); and Dimitri Zhengelis
(Visiting Research Fellow, London School of Economics).

Members of the Advisory Council served in an individual capacity, and
this report should not be taken as representing the views of the organisations
with which they are affiliated.

We held five private London Futures roundtables – summaries of which
are on the Centre for London website – involving around 80 experts from
across London’s industries, communities and organisations. They are too
numerous to list here, but we are indebted to each one of them. Many other
Londoners and organisations have also contributed their time and energy
to London Futures, and we are extremely grateful to all of them for their
assistance and cooperation.

A special mention is due to the team that designed and built the
Your Future London website: Sérgio Cameira, Laura Pye and their
colleagues. Huge thanks are also due to Centre for London’s trustees
and staff members, some of whom have since moved to new pastures. All
contributed their thinking, camaraderie and many hours of effort to this
project at a time of extraordinary pressures and constraints. They include the
project’s originators, Ben Rogers and Richard Brown, for their sagacity and
deft direction; Researcher Mario Washington-Ihieme; the External Affairs
team including Diana Szteinberg, Caroline Coxhead, Jo Corfield, Kate
Spiliopoulos, Amy Leppänen and Megha Hirani; and the Development and
Operations teams including Max Goldman, Denean Rowe, Rachel Heilbron
and Johnathan Tuck. Nonetheless, the views in this report are solely those of
the authors, and all errors and omissions remain our own.
This research was dependent on the support of a wide range of London
organisations, companies, charities, foundations and individuals to whom we
are incredibly grateful. From the outset, all have been generous with both
funding and advice. We look forward to continuing to work together in the
cause of a greater London in the years ahead.

This report would not have been possible without the support of our
Funders City Bridge Trust, Impact on Urban Health, Mastercard and Trust
for London, Major Sponsors City of London Corporation, Greater London
Authority and London Borough of Lambeth, and our Supporting Sponsors
Bosch, Port of London Authority, University of London, and Wei Yang &
Partners. It builds on the London Futures first phase that was additionally
supported by our Funders Sir Trevor Chinn and Van and Eva DuBose, our
Major Sponsor London Councils, and our Supporting Sponsor Heathrow.
Centre for London is an independent charity and has editorial control
over its work. Centre for London presents this report in order to stimulate
vital public debate. While individual sponsors agree with the broad outline
of the arguments made in this report, they should not be taken to agree with
every word or recommendation.