
Planning and design for future mobility in new developments

Changing lifestyles and new technologies are transforming the way we move around the city. This project will look at the challenges of planning and designing large-scale new developments for healthier, greener and less car-reliant ways of living and accommodating new forms of mobility.


Against a background of a growing population and worsening congestion and air pollution, the Mayor of London and London’s boroughs want to encourage less car-reliant and healthier forms of travel. With much of London’s growth over the coming decades expected to be accommodated through the development of large sites, there is an opportunity for planners, architects and developers to lock in car-free lifestyles from the beginning.

Despite growing public concern about air quality, some drivers resent ‘anti-car’ policies which deny them residential parking spaces. Most large sites are available in outer London, where car use and ownership has traditionally been higher and where new developments, even ones well connected to public transport, are likely to be surrounded by more car-dependent neighbourhoods.

At the same time, fast-evolving technologies are producing new types of vehicles and new mobility services. Ultra-low emission vehicles would help reduce air pollution but require charging infrastructure and sufficient grid capacity. Ride-hailing services, car clubs and deliveries can help reduce reliance on the private car but increase pressure on street and kerb space.

This project will examine changing mobility trends and develop practical guidance for developers, planners and architects seeking to build in a capacity to accommodate new technologies and services and to create the next generation of successful neighbourhoods.

Questions we will investigate include:

  • What does the public want from new development, in relation to mobility, public realm and quality of life?
  • How does current planning policy and guidance for large developments vary between boroughs?
  • How should developers, planners and designers plan for more sustainable transport, while balancing the requirements of different road user groups?
  • How can developers build adaptability into new developments to accommodate new mobility patterns and services?

Our final report will be published in early 2020. If you are interested in contributing to the research, please get in touch with Nicolas Bosetti.

Supporting Sponsor

This project has been generously supported by


This project has been generously supported by