“London’s unemployment rate continues to fall as the city bounces back from..."/>   “London’s unemployment rate continues to fall as the city bounces back from..."/> Centre for London | Our response to ONS unemployment data, February 2022
Press Release

Our response to ONS unemployment data, February 2022

Responding to the latest ONS unemployment data, Nick Bowes, Chief Executive at Centre for London said:


“London’s unemployment rate continues to fall as the city bounces back from the economic shock of the pandemic, especially in the hospitality and retail sectors.

But the fact that the rate of people out of work remains above the national average and is the second highest of any region shows that London can’t simply be ignored. For all the city’s wealth and opportunities, there’s still a chunk of Londoners who need more targeted support to give them the skills and confidence to make the most of all London’s economy has to offer.”

ENDSNotes to Editors

  • Centre for London is the capital’s dedicated think tank. Our mission is to develop new solutions to London’s critical challenges and advocate for a fair and prosperous global city.