Managing conflicting pressures on London's surface transport system and public realm requires new thinking. With the city's population growing, we explore the future of mobility and place in London, in particular the implications for the Mayor's Transport Strategy. We're calling on the Mayor to make more efficient use of the city's finite transport, walking and cycling, and make the most of new technology.
Under Pressure will explore the future of mobility and place in London, and consider the practical implications of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
This conference will bring together high level stakeholders from local government, Transport for London and City Hall, alongside leaders from the built environment, infrastructure, transport and mobility industries; and prominent academics, experts and campaigners from around the world.
On the day, we’ll be discussing:
- What practical steps London can take to encourage active and public transport
- How London can best prepare to make the most of rapidly changing transport technology and big data
- Pragmatic examples from London and around the world on behaviour change, road user charging, and street design
- How placemaking and environment change can inspire Londoners to make healthier choices about travel
Join us as we examine how we make more efficient use of London’s transport, walking and cycling networks.